Spicy Poached Pears



Add the sugar to the cider in a casserole or heavy saucepan. Add the vanilla and cinnamon and bring to simmering point. Place the whole peeled pears (un-cored and still with their stalks) in the bottom of the dish and either bake the casserole in a slow oven or simmer very gently on the hob for about 3 hours. Turn the pears once or twice if not fully covered with the liquid.

Allow to cool and remove the pears either into a serving dish or into individual serving bowls. Add the jelling agent to the cooled spicy cider liquor and warm gently whilst stirring with a baloon whisk till everything has dissolved or, if using arrowroot, till slightly thickened. Pour over the pears and chill thoroughly in a fridge.

Serve with cream; whipped, single or double to taste.